Sunday, September 20, 2009

austerity at what cost

Suddenly austerity has become a buzz word. Many articles have been written about how the leaders austerity measures are in fact leading to higher cost to the exchequer. This is a known fact. The Leaders recourse to austerity only for public glare and attention. At the most it is symbolic. The only way to curb is to ensure that the Media just ignore them. But Media are nothing but another face of the Leaders. They also want to be in the limelight and for the wahtever the Leaders do or say are the only NEWS. They never play the Constructive role they are expected to do. They also pay only Lip sympathy to Public Issues. The Leaders must be totally ignored by the media if they recourse to such publicity stunts. Is there any such Media Person in this country?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hypocrisy thy name is Indian

Well the title of this blog is a statement attributed to Betrand Russell on his impressions on Indians. During my school days when my English Teacher stated in this in the context of an essay by Betrand Russell I developed deep contempt for this gentleman. In fact I tore of his essay from my text book. Almost fifty years later now, I realise how true this statement is. I am stating this on the issue of corruption. Though every one of us talk against coruption when it comes to action we do differently. Perhaps no one will accept the fact that they are corrupt. But when any occasion comes get any mundane things done, the same person will not think twice before bribing the opposite to get things done. In fact all of us are quite happy the way thngs are because it helps us to get things done to our advantage. Then why talk against corruption. If anyone is not prepared to join this mainstream he is considered as "naive", " not fit for this generation" etc. I can give thousands of examples. I have started feeling " Is this because of Hindu Ethos"? We have been told all through our life and of late being bombarded on the tv channels that if you pray to a particular Hindu God and ask for a favour and conduct a Havan or pooja you will get what we want. We know that Lord Venkateswara at Tirupathi earns much more than many State Governments. We pay more and more to the Gods to wash off the sins or to get some favour in return. Then come back and indulge in all the wrong practices. I think our worshipping the Corruption is directly reflected by the Richness of the Temples!!!

Are we not the embodiment of hypocrisy? Now I undestand that Betrand Russell was right.